Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby got some new chins?

New dress~ $10.00
Cupcake shoes~$25.00
Pink shin guards~$10.00
One thrilled 4 year old wearing all 3 for Easter~ priceless!

Little miss Ava loves to dress herself and I usually let her. She was getting dressed to go to Grandma and Papa's for the Easter egg hunt and asked: Mama where are my new chins? I was a little confused~new chins? YES she says a little impatient with my confusion~ my new soccer chins! She spent the entire day in her beloved "chins" and couldn't of been happier. Of course she received many comments on her outfit and she was so proud. Her smile made my day!

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Kris said...

OH MY!!! That is so dang funny!!!! And cupcake shoes to top it all off? It just doesn't get any cuter... ;)

Polka Dot Moon said...

How sweet is that!!! Love what the wee ones say :)

RN and OSHP said...

That is too funny! Kudos to you for letting her wear them with her dress. I Love it!