Thursday, November 5, 2009

Call 911

Went with Miss Ava to the fire station today!

With a "little" encouragement she sat in the truck.

Then we headed back to the school for snack time.

It was Ava's snack day. We made these super easy little fire truck crackers. Just take a grahm cracker and cut off the corner. Then spread on a little red frosting and add a mini oreo split apart for the wheels. I took a gumdrop and cut it in half for the siren. The latter was made by my 10 year old daughter from pretzels. I have seen other versions with black licorice but my kiddos don't like it so no licorice for our truck. Easy peasy lemon squeezy:)

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1 comment:

Kasey said...

how fun! and what a super cute snack idea! I am so wanting to take my kiddos to the fire station. I need to get on that. Have a great day!